
Blossom:大家早上好。我在想我是不是可以提出一些关于我们上次讨论中“活化”的事情?许多人经历了一些强烈的感觉;许多先前没有,尔后又发现他们 可以看见光环或者是感觉到一些由内而来的变化;许多人一点感觉都没有,即使他们试着去感受了许多次。你们能够解释一下为什么一些人感觉到了,而另一些却没 有吗?
光明联邦:事实上我们觉得这种解释(在此刻)是合情合理的。因为我们了解,有些人因为缺乏结果已经迷茫了,并且因此心生了各种各样 的失望情绪。但是我们请求你们去弄明白,当我们说到无论谁去贡献出这活化的转向力,它 便 将 会 发 生。
光明联邦:这是为了调整个体的能量场及其当时所处的振动级别。这是一种必要的调整。并不是,我们强调,并不是取决于个人总是处在的 那个振动级别,如果我们非要这样表达的话。有许多个体期望地球移动…并且归功于预感...期望对实际产生的现象施加了影响,你或许喜欢用 “disguised(掩饰)”来说明实际正在发生的事情。然而我们会继续表示说,每个个体内在的变化确实在发生。或许我们会说,有人“放置了一个时间 表”,对于那些暂时没有感受到变化的人来说,当他们自己的时间表进行下去的时候,他们将 毋 庸 置 疑 地 明 白。也许会有一些“活化触发器”,它们会在一定的时间时在各个个体上发生。
光明联邦:是的。我们希望加之一些评论,关于那些希望将地球带到更高实在中的虔诚意向。活化过程被视为它的自我价值的重要部分,并 且,真正服从于他们内在声音并跟随它的呼唤的人数比你意识到的要多得多。你们看到了吗,亲爱的一们?你们看到神性计划是如何协同而来了吗?当下它就在发 生。你只需要安静地坐着,并且在你自己的宁静处感受它,去弄懂它的真实。
Blossom:谢谢你们。我知道以前我曾经问过这个,但是关于海湾石油泄露事故进程依然还有如此多的推测,还有如此多的人正生 活在恐惧之中…这可以理解。。你们觉得更多地谈谈这个不间断的灾难合适吗?或许会减轻如此多人的恐慌负担?如果你们觉得你们之前已经说过所有需要说的了, 那么我当然还是会接受。
光明联邦:你们的世界已经在终结其循环的边缘了,你们的调节者们正在和平之中描绘着勇气…它会作为 是什么 的真相而家喻户晓…不会再被隐藏了。几十年来了,许多人正学习着它们曾经只有在虚构的幻想中才敢假装相信的东西。我们说,在你们之上的最高权威之地…很 快…就会变成无法掩饰、或从视线中移除住的光。*一个decloaking(不会翻译)会如同你们知道的那样表现出来… 或许会在某个我们过去提到过的规模上发生。许多人在心中知道这些。许多人在心中感受到了这些,并且偶尔我们也会察觉到想要它发生的这种渴望…这种向往…很 快它就会于你们之上发生了。
Blossom:(我)讨厌去打断,当然,带着所有的敬意…但是如同我们过去曾经讨论过的那样…“很快”这个词对于我们这些在下 位的人来说没什么意义。你们版本的“很快”跟我们这些处在地表的人版本的“很快”非常不同。你们的“很快” …对我们来说…指的就是几年。那对于期盼的期限来说,就像是几光年之外一样远!!“很快”对于我们来说指的是在接下来的几天或者几个月中,所以,说实在 的…我们是不是可以就这个词现在吵一吵…因为,对于我们这些凡人来说…这个词很有误导作用。
Blossom:那么我接受这全心奉上的光,因为如同你知道的那样,我自己合数千理解的人,已经是 搞明白了,而远远不止仅仅是信仰…然而我知道是我们的“时间差异”造成了此种困境。
Blossom:那么我们难道没有用我们的精神之心感受到吗?由于你们的教导,我们正在学着去听我们自己的感觉,凌驾于所以其他 的一切。
Blossom:关于你们的到来…关于你们以你们一直以来提及的那种方式现身…很 快!
光明联邦:并且如同你刚刚说到的那样,难道我们没有教导过你,难道你没有坚持去理解:你的感觉便是你的真相?因为它们,只有它们 (你的感觉)可以使你对 何为是 警醒。你们心智的思想会感到疑惑并与所有形式的会引起混乱的给予因素相互作用,而此时…问你的灵魂,问你的心灵,对于任何事情的感觉。然后它总是会给你 真 相。因为它无法…它未被设计成…给你任何其它的不是…真 相…的东西。
Blossom:但是我们不知道这些 感 觉 在说些什么…我们可以 感觉 到它们,但是它们在对我们说什么?
Blossom:额。。我们难道不是在这儿绕圈子吗?我们开始这段谈话的缘由即是, 感 觉 正在告诉我们,你们“很快”就要来了。
光明联邦:你们的未来。这是如此地重要,比你想象的更重要,在此时,你们所作出的关乎到你们每天的存在的决定应该很精确。将你的精 神举起到一个更有价值的地方去。你们对于 你们是谁,你们为什么在这儿 的价值 又思考过多少呢? 在评估你在此时、此地、此个位置 的时候,将 感觉 加入进去会给你带来无限的好处。因为通过这样做,你将会使这些动作转变到一个更高的频率中去,在这段向更高频率进发的过程中,它将释放你的接受与理解潜 力。
Blossom:我有几分明白这个了。你们的意思是不是:我们越是看重我们被选中在此时此刻在此地,我们的振动频率就会越高,我 们也就越能发现我们的自我价值…而我们越是看重我们的自我价值,我们就越…等等…你懂我的意思吗?
Blossom:噢!我刚刚听到了你们想说的下一个句子的时候在想…‘Here we go!(我们开始吧!)’,那个句子是什么??
Blossom:那么你们知道我会说…请在更深的层次详细说明它,如果你们希望这样的话。因为我正在踩线接受你们的话。许多人正 等待着“星际物种”的来临,期盼着在它们的帮助下我们得以清理我们在这儿弄下的一团糟…那么,这些与你们的宣言“等着你们自己”又是如何一致的呢?
光明联邦:你们难道没有想到过,那些你们所说的非凡的“星际物种”或许只是你们自己的一个 更高 的版本吗?毕竟,你们已经开始明白,你们仅仅展现出了你们自己是谁 的一小部分而已,正在这星球上经历一段“娱乐时间(playtime)”而已。
光明联邦:确实…这就是那意图…这就是它本初之时的想法。去玩…这个人是要快乐,享受生活的乐趣…难道不是吗?这 就 是 我 们 于 你 的 意 图。虽然实验结果并未如同我们假定的那样完结…它是在大的…只是一个小的实验。我们可以感受到你的感情开花如你写。我们都知道,作为人类现在在你们的行星 上,似乎我们已经很小的理解它真正需要去体验生活在地球上的这段时间。
Blossom:因为当你在这深处它...所有的恐怖和灾难,控制和自由选择等滥用似乎觉得多了一个小实验,去了再说... ...对不起...。众相处了!我说这不生气,不,它只是我可以感觉到你是那种对我说'寻求其',但实际上当你玩你在地球上的所有感觉的一部分,我们在这 里很重要正在这样做。
光明联邦:而确实是这样。然而请从内心深处理解:你们(在此事上)也起着重要作用。你正在执行你注定会为了抬升这微小的小星球叫做 地球。它是很重要的之类的东西,但是,如果你能理解浩瀚的永恒,当然,你还会在理解来实现这个“事件”仅仅是一个小的方面,当你考虑到 FOREVERNESS。每一步都是由爱的永恒大道沿线只不过是一种发生。生活的全部生活………只不过是所有爱的体验的发生。
我们也可以 感觉 到你想要回到“等着你们自己“这个话题上。
Blossom:是的,你刚刚说,或者说我 感觉到 你们暗示,那些或许会来的在天空中的飞船里的存在…是更高版本的我们自己?
光明联邦:这是准确的。现在理解这个:你们发现了让 你们的振动频率达到一个可以处理这些事情的级别 的重要性了吗?
Blossom:好吧,发现了一点。如果我们没有猜测已经准备好接受并接受这一信息,当我终于见到了一个更高的层面,对自己…这 人类的人,可能会给你一个惊喜,在龙骨上。如果我们都能做到这点,就会少一点。我真的有点丢在这里…所以,你已经说我们要满足更高自我…什么?方面,我们 所有的人吗?我们的每一个人呢?一个biggy即将来临,我刚收到的主旨是什么你想说…。这一切是如此巨大的! ! !
Blossom:有新意!!所以说你们正在说…我感觉…我想…那些我们觉得与之有很大联系的…那些我们认为我们的灵魂与之有深刻 连接的…会在星际人类的领域中融合成为一体?
光明联邦:接着这个剧本,并调整它,以想象在接近来临的访客里面它已然发生…它们偶尔也会碰见下一个更高级的他们自身的某个方面, 因而许多同属一个灵魂组的“星际物种”也会组成 一个 更高级的存在…然后继续如此继续如此。如果你考虑这一点,,或许这会使你更好地理解 合一(Being One) 的含义。
Blossom:是的,确实是的。莱特克劳德(白云)一次以暗喻的手法指明了这一点,刚刚我才想到,到底 爱 是如何分裂成一小块一小块,等等。。到现在为止已经过去了很久,但是即便如此我也是刚刚才理解,我从未以一个人的视角真正正是过它。Well,并非以那种 你刚刚描述的视角。让我的脑袋去考虑它是如此怪异的尝试…因而,接下来将发生什么…当我们说…我的灵魂组…遇见了它们自己…并成为一个“星际物种”?
光明联邦:这最亲爱的好奇的一啊,我们必须将这个话题留到另一个时间讲述了。在某些方面我们需要与更高级别的存在讨论一下透露这种 东西在此刻是否合适。因为如同你 理解 的…俗话说的…当学生准备好的时候老师自然会来的。
Blossom:我知道,因为我如此习惯于认识的一个会议结束时,铃声刚刚已经和它的时间出去玩吧。如同爱丽丝在奇境中曾说 的,“curiouser curiouser…! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !”嗯很多想今天。非常感谢你与我们分享这一切。计划中的一部分,我知道,但是我知道这不是强制性的。如对我们每一个人都是觉醒越来越进入光我们分享知 识,因为我们想,不是因为我们没有别的办法。好…我想我应具有真正的思考,我是谁。我是谁的一部分现在地球上飞机,那不仅是一位朋友或家人,但实际上我! !耶和华MAUD。和你所拥有的和我们分享我今天感觉只是目前在蛋糕…我不能想象锦上添花顶级包含了! !直到下一次的谈话…许多光与爱意,谢谢! !咻! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
*当我在翻阅拼写的时候,我到这一点,无缘无故……或者带着所有的理由,我在我的网站页面改变和下面的频道上来。所以,我觉得应该引导你走向阅读这个…… 几年后它似乎! !很奇怪……我实在是只读,摸不上来,它完全依靠自身……(或没有)!
3.Sorry … a little late for work today!! Was busy being your P.A.!!! Radio got cancelled. That’s fine. ‘All is as’ etc. I have a feeling it will be more appropriate when it is rebooked. I have to say I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard! I was going to say ‘I know… coward’… but all things considered I don’t think I am!! Anyone about?
Challenges are ahead.
No offence… but do I really want to hear this ?
Have you not faced challenges before Blossom? And may we say with glee, you intervened before allowing us to finish our sentence …
Oops sorry!
We in fact were not speaking directly to you. We speak to those who are of courage and read these words knowing in their heart of the ordeals that may be presented to your race as the coming of our ship into your skies draws near. Yet we ask you … NOT TO BE AFRAID. You have enough fear upon your planet do you not? Our aim is to decrease it not to enhance it. That is why we need you to search your souls for your TRUTH. For indeed when you find it you will know that FEAR is unnecessary. You yourself Blossom have experienced great fear within your being from the effect that our message has brought to the sudden change of your everyday living. You yourself have had to find a way to move through it and come out smiling. And as you continue you are finding a strength and indeed a joy that is surprising you are you not?
Now and then! Depends on where I allow myself to go with it all really. It certainly is teaching me to live in the now for no-one can foresee what your appearance shall do to those in our world and how things will change. You have to admit, it’s a bit bigger than the Queen popping over for a visit (with all respect Your Majesty!) And of course we are all wondering if our daily lives will cease to be and a thousand other questions that your quest conjures up.
We fully accept your thoughts. We understand of the trepidation and yet, if you follow our words as a TRUE SOURCE, then we have repeatedly expressed to you that all shall be well. YES. There shall be initial upheaval on a large scale, but to counteract that experience there shall be a PEACE entering your planet that has not yet been able to be induced. If you allow yourself to breathe in that PEACE you shall feel an understanding in your soul and you shall simply KNOW that IT HAS BEGUN. Your fear will instantly subside, for there shall be NO DENYING OF THIS TRUTH that we have come to guide you on the pathway home. How your hearts will sing my warriors. How you shall shine in the Light of your hearts contentment. For so long have you as a race been awaiting your calling. For so long have you listened out into the silence and yet still you knew that we would not desert you and that these days were never far away. For you could feel it in your Being. As many of you feel it now. You can actually ‘feel’ us tapping into your energy. To prepare you. To just say ‘hello’. As we prepare you, so you must prepare your selves. Diligently. Take/find the time in these future days to sink into the comfort of the soul’s remembrance. You are, at these times of meditation being ‘fed’ the nutrients your soul requires for these times. You have long awaited these times that are coming. It is with enormous validity (?) that what we shall present to you shall be of absolute conviction to the answers that each one of you are asking.
Thanks for that. Got to be honest. That last bit was a little difficult to get through and I always feel it best to stop when it feels that way, so as not to have to TRY … if you know what I mean. So thank you for this information. We got the e-book out today. So when you said way back that it would be in print before the year was out and I doubted that … I shouldn’t have. I know it’s not in book form yet, but it doesn’t have a cover! And … you wanted it to be called ‘snapshot’… naturally it had s crossed my mind that the cover might be a picture of ‘THE VISIT’!
4.Whoa! What a ride this last month has been. And I have a feeling this is just the beginning! My mind is filled with a thousand things that I never knew of before I sent out your message. Many channellers world wide are confirming your announcement. Many have asked me to ask you questions. I feel more at home sticking to the way we have always worked and just TRUSTING in the fact that what you need to be known you shall make me aware of. I can feel your eagerness to begin … so lets!
Indeed there is excitement commencing in your world and MANY others. Blossom, we commend you for your bravery. Look how by being of this, we have been able to do our side in making sure that we are heard. And as you say … this is just the beginning. As days draw closer to our arrival, let it be known that there will be a tremor … a rumbling would be more apt. This is to be of no fear, but it is unavoidable.
Dear ones, who read these words. Understand this. From our hearts we wish that you be of PEACE on our arrival. This is essential. Do not succumb to the scare mongers of your world. We ask that you pay heed to the feeling within yourselves and KNOW that we are of THE LIGHT. For you shall be told otherwise. This is to deter.
We say CONGRATULATIONS to you souls of earth. For without your expectancy this ‘showing’ would not be possible. There is little time left now. We shall be there … as you say in your world … with bells on!
There are questions in my mind, such as the whereabouts etc, yet I know you have your reasons and therefore I shall abide by your knowledge in what is best for us as a race.
You are surprised as we are not flowing forth as you thought we may. Is this so?
Indeed … funnily enough though … I understand. I am keen to put up more postings as I am aware many wish for the next installment … And yet … I can feel that you intend to leave it as it is for now. I shall respect that. Although a tad frustrating. On the other hand, your silence is sending me a calmness of KNOWING and I don’t know what it is I am KNOWING, but I KNOW I KNOW! I shall try again when I feel it appropriate. Thank you my friends, for TRUSTING in ME. I feel all the support I have been shown has been encouraged by you … and it was much needed. I feel stronger about all this daily. When you’re ready then. In Love.
Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild
http://flinfrench.blogspot.com/ -FRANÇAIS
http://flingerman.blogspot.com - DEUTSCH
http://folinchina.blogspot.com/ - CHINESE
http://flinspanish.blogspot.com - SPANISH
http://flindutch.blogspot.com – DUTCH
http://federationlight.blogspot.com – PORTUGUÊS
Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on