Welcome to this very special newsletter.
For 10 years now I have worked hard on getting the messages that are brought through me from both White Cloud and The Federation of Light to as many people as possible. These messages have been transcribed into books as well as given freely in the last two years on my website.
And NOW my chance to REALLY get these messages out to the world has arrived!!
I have entered a competition called ‘THE NEXT TOP SPIRITUAL AUTHOR’.
There are so far just over 2,500 budding authors entered ... (but only one blossoming!)... so it should be a piece of cake!!!!!!! The prize is having your book published by Hampton Roads Publishing. This, as you can imagine would make all the difference in the world not only to me, but White Cloud and The Federation Of Light! It would open up so many doors that seem so far to have remained ajar, allowing me to see in, but not actually enter!
So often, kind folk have written asking if there is anything they can do to assist me in return for giving out my channellings … AND HERE IS THAT CHANCE!
How to succeed through the first round (there are four in all) is 75% based on a popularity vote… and 25% on another author in the competition being allocated my video to assess. So … I am pulling in all my resourses and trying to find all sorts of ways to get people to vote for my book. After much thought I decided to enter ‘THE BRIDGE’. (My first communications with THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT).
Would you do me the honour of going to :
where you can watch my video and then make a vote. I believe you have to register first, which some may find a pain, so in order to soothe that pain ... I would like to offer you a free track from my new CD ‘Meditations on The Bridge.’ After you have placed your vote, simply email richalstead@hotmail.com … saying ‘I VOTED FOR BLOSSOM!’… or something of that ilk … and we will happily send you the track called ‘LOVE’.(mp3 download)
If you have a Face Book or Twitter page PLEASE PUT THE LINK ON THERE. Create your own letter or send this one on my behalf to your family and friends … anything you can think of to spread this link for me in order to create votes … BECAUSE IT’S THE NUMBER OF VOTES THAT WILL GET ME THROUGH. Some of you might go wild and send it to websites you are members of … Anything at all will be such a gracious assistance.
How important is this to me? If I don’t get past round one, there will be no tears or disappointment, for I know I will have tried my best and like all things if it is meant to be … it will be.
Someone has to win, and it would thrill my soul to be accepted by a publisher which in turn would allow the assistance from these beautiful humble Higher beings to explain to so many more souls how WE CAN MAKE OUR WORLD A BETTER PLACE … THROUGH LOVE.
Thank you ALL so very much for taking the time to read this and for your very valuable assistance in passing the link to my voting page to infinity and beyond!!
Sending this with an enormous amount of creative positive vibes and gratitude …
Blossom Goodchild.